The Purest Way to Increase the Value of Your Business
Articles, Preparing/Planning to Sell Your Business Picture a magic slot machine. Each time you pull the arm, you make back a multiple of whatever you wagered. How much time would you devote to cranking that arm? When it comes to the value of your business, you can make many bets, but…

Protecting Against the End Run
Articles, Preparing/Planning to Sell Your Business A football defensive coordinator needs to protect against an “end run,” a tactical play where your opponent sends the running back wide around the offensive line to try to evade the oncoming tackle. Just like in football, you have to…

6 Ways to Overcome a Business Trauma
Articles, Preparing/Planning to Sell Your Business Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition triggered by experiencing a terrifying event. Although not at the level of enduring a war zone, the events of March 2020 may leave you feeling similar symptoms. If you’re…

Why Bother Doing It The Hard Way?
Articles, Preparing/Planning to Sell Your Business Whether you want to sell your business next year or a decade from now, you will have two basic options for an external sale: the financial or the strategic buyer. The Financial Buyer The financial buyer is buying the rights to your future…

Articles, Preparing/Planning to Sell Your Business Doctors in the developing world measure their progress not by the aggregate number of children who die in childbirth but by the infant mortality rate, a ratio of the number of births to deaths. Similarly, baseball’s leadoff batters measure…

Did you miss the perfect time to sell your business?
Articles, Preparing/Planning to Sell Your Business August was a rollercoaster ride for stockholders. Triple digits wins followed by even larger losses left the average investor reeling and were a good reminder that markets move in both directions. Valuations of privately heldp business have…

4 Steps To Finding Your Sell-By Date
Articles, Preparing/Planning to Sell Your Business Most business owners think selling their business is a sprint, but the reality is it takes a long time to sell a company. The sound of the gun sends blood flowing as you leap forward out of the blocks. Within five seconds you’re…

A Blood Pressure Test for Your Business
Articles, Preparing/Planning to Sell Your Business When was the last time you had your blood pressure tested? Taking your blood pressure is one of the first things most doctors do before treating you for just about anything. How much pressure your blood is under as it courses through your…

Why Fire Trucks Always Back In
Articles, Preparing/Planning to Sell Your Business Have you ever noticed that fire trucks always back into the fire hall? …

6 Little Things That Make a Big Difference to the Value of Your Company
Articles, Preparing/Planning to Sell Your Business With respect to the Olympic Games, it is interesting to reflect back on some of the big events of the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver. In the Men’s Downhill race at Whistler, for example, the winning time of 1:54:31 was posted by Didier…