The Switzerland Structure: Safeguarding Business Independence
Articles, Building a Valuable Company, Switzerland Structure Among the eight factors influencing the value of your company, "The Switzerland Structure" is a crucial concept highlighted by The Value Builder SystemÔ team. This structure underscores the significance of maintaining business independence…

Core Values Driving Growth: The $14 Million Journey of Sauceda Industries
Articles, Building a Valuable Company Within the fiercely competitive third-party logistics (3PL) sector, Jay B Sauceda transformed Sauceda Industries into a standout business, ultimately achieving $14 million in sales before being acquired by Cart.com. The secret to his success?…

3 Creative Ways to Get Your Business to Run Without You
Articles, Building a Valuable Company, Hub & Spoke - Works Without You For those aspiring to build a valuable and self-sufficient company, a key consideration is ensuring that your business can operate independently, freeing you from constant involvement. While this endeavor may initially seem challenging, we'll…

Hidden Value: A 3-Part Approach to Hiring High-Potential Employees
Articles, Building a Valuable Company, Switzerland Structure The renowned French economist, Jean-Baptiste Say, once described an entrepreneur as someone who redirects economic resources from lower-yield endeavors to higher-yield ones, essentially expanding the notion of entrepreneurship beyond its literal…

What to Do When Your Clients Want You
Articles, Building a Valuable Company Do your customers ever ask that you personally get involved in their account? If so, one of the best things you can do to improve the value of your business (and your life) is to get your employees to treat your customers as…

Enhancing the Value of a Distribution Business
Articles, Building a Valuable Company Converting a distributor or reseller into a high-value enterprise might appear to be a formidable undertaking. Distributors typically don't command substantial valuations, as potential buyers often perceive them as susceptible to price wars…

One Overlooked Metric That Could Transform Your Company’s Value
Articles, Building a Valuable Company You know gross margin impacts your profit, but have you considered the impact it has on the value of your company? When assessing your company’s value, acquirers and investors will often scrutinize your gross profit margin. Gross profit…

5 Strategies for Identifying Innovative Candidates to Replace Yourself as Founder
Articles, Building a Valuable Company In 2012, Jaclyn Johnson founded Create & Cultivate, a media company that educates and inspires women to succeed in business. By 2018, Johnson had grown Create & Cultivate to eight employees when an acquirer offered her a staggering…

How to Get Your Customers to Pay for New Ideas
Articles, Building a Valuable Company There is never enough money to invest in developing products when you’re running a self-funded business. When you’re running your company out of cash flow, most of your resources go into selling your existing products and services, leaving…

5 Ways to Get Your Business to Run Without You
Articles, Building a Valuable Company, Hub & Spoke - Works Without You Some owners focus on growing their profits, while others are obsessed with salesgoals. Have you ever considered making it your primary goal to set up your business so that it can thrive and grow without you? A business not dependent on its…