You-proofing Your Business
Articles, Improving Company Value Making your business less dependent on you has a number of benefits: you can scale your company more quickly if you’re not acting as a bottleneck; you get more time to enjoy life outside of your business; and a business less dependent on…

Articles, Preparing/Planning to Sell Your Business Doctors in the developing world measure their progress not by the aggregate number of children who die in childbirth but by the infant mortality rate, a ratio of the number of births to deaths. Similarly, baseball’s leadoff batters measure…

Market Share vs. Addressable Market
Articles, Building a Valuable Company Imagine you’re a farmer and you’ve been tending to your crops all year. It’s harvest season and finally time to collect the spoils of your labor. You start harvesting your crops only to find out that pesky rodents have been quietly…

The Downside of Just Milking It
Articles, When to Sell If you have considered selling your business of late, you may have been disappointed to see the offers a business like yours would garner from would-be acquirers. According to the latest analysis of some 20,000 business owners who have used…

90 Days That Will Define Your Business Forever
Articles, Recurring Revenue You've done the hard work of winning a new customer, but it's what you do in the next 90 days that determines if it'll stick around. The first 90 days of any new relationship are critical: A president has about three months to inspire…

How to Get Rich in 3 (Really Difficult) Steps
Articles, Building a Valuable Company Becoming wealthy may not be your primary goal, but if it is, there is a reasonably predictable way to get rich in America. Step 1: Ignore Your Parents Parents around the world typically encourage their kids to get educated so they can…

How Would you Value Your Business?
Articles Business valuation goes beyond simple mathematics, but to get some idea of what your business might be worth, consider the three methods below. Your business is likely your largest asset so it's normal to want to know what it is worth.…

Did you miss the perfect time to sell your business?
Articles, Preparing/Planning to Sell Your Business August was a rollercoaster ride for stockholders. Triple digits wins followed by even larger losses left the average investor reeling and were a good reminder that markets move in both directions. Valuations of privately heldp business have…

4 Steps To Finding Your Sell-By Date
Articles, Preparing/Planning to Sell Your Business Most business owners think selling their business is a sprint, but the reality is it takes a long time to sell a company. The sound of the gun sends blood flowing as you leap forward out of the blocks. Within five seconds you’re…

How To Scale Up Your Service Business
Articles, Improving Company Value Increase the value of your company by training others in your area of expertise. It can be tough to grow a service business. Clients are typically buying your expertise, and if all you have to sell is time, the size of your business…