Why Now Is the Riskiest Time To Own Your Business
Articles, When to Sell Most people think of starting a business as risky, but unless you invest a significant amount of start-up cash in your venture, you’re not really risking much other than your time. That changes if you’re lucky enough to get your business…

The Surprising Secret to A Big Exit
Articles, Exit Plan, Selling Your Business We get to see a lot of company founders who are contemplating an exit. Some of our customers get lucky early in life, but in the vast majority of examples where a founder is getting a seven- or eight-figure offer, it is not their first rodeo.…

The Downside of Selling Someone Else’s Product
Articles, Building a Valuable Company Are you tempted to re-sell someone else’s product to boost your topline revenue? On the surface, becoming a distributor for a popular product can appear to be a simple way to grow your sales—simply find something that is already proven…

The Downside of Being Upfront with Employees
Articles, Improving Company Value One of the core principles of creating a more valuable business is ensuring it can run without you by getting managers to think like owners. The theory goes that empowered employees are the best positioned to solve your company’s thorniest…

The Anatomy of a Successful Exit
Articles, Building a Valuable Company Stephanie Breedlove started Breedlove & Associates in 1992 as a way to pay her nanny. The big payroll processors weren’t interested in dealing with one person’s wages and doing it themselves was complicated and time-consuming, too much…

One Way To Decide When To Sell
Articles, When to Sell How do you know the right time to sell your company? One answer to this age-old question is that the time to sell is when someone else is willing to invest more in your business than you are. When you start a business, nobody is willing…

5 Reasons Why Now Might Be The Right Time To Sell
Articles, When to Sell Are you trying to time the sale of your business so that you exit when both your business and the economy are peaking? While your objective to build your company’s value is admirable, here are five reasons why you may want to sell sooner…

5 Lessons From Home Depot’s Acquisition of Blinds.com
Acquisition, Articles Jay Steinfeld built Blinds.com into a $100 million e-tailer before selling out to Home Depot. Here are five things that made it a spectacular exit. Win The Make vs. Buy Battle Companies like Home Depot have a “make or buy” decision…

3 Ways To Make Your Company More Valuable Than Your Competition
Articles, Building a Valuable Company Have you ever wondered what determines the value of your business? Perhaps you’ve heard an industry rule of thumb and assumed that your company will be worth about the same as a similar size company in your industry. However, when we take…

3 Surprising Reasons To Offer A Subscription
Articles, Recurring Revenue You can now buy a subscription for everything from dog treats to razor blades. Music subscription services are booming as our appetite to buy tracks is replaced by our willingness to rent access to them. Starbucks now even offers coffee on…