Justification for Your Next Vacation
Articles, Improving Company Value A recent survey by The Value Builder Score found companies that would perform well without their owner for a period of three months are 50 percent more likely to get an offer to be acquired when compared to more owner-dependent businesses. There…

Have you fallen into The Mile Wide Trap?
Articles, Improving Company Value If your company’s revenue has stalled after a period of rapid growth, you may have fallen into The Mile Wide Trap. Consider the case of Kim (not her real name) who runs a public relations firm. Kim studied marketing at school and went…

The Curator: How to Thrive as a Middleman (or woman)
Articles, Building a Valuable Company Being a middleman (or woman) has become risky business. When was the last time you used a travel agent? Agencies have largely become irrelevant given the rise of online travel booking companies. How about a record/CD store? iTunes…

Is Your Business You-Proof?
Articles, Preparing/Planning to Sell Your Business Whether you’re planning to sell your company sometime soon or sometime in the future; now is the time to ensure that your business isn’t all about you. From the latest Value Builder Score* research involving 2300 companies from around the…

Avoiding the Superstar Sales Rep Trap
Articles, Improving Company Value For your business to be valuable – and sellable one day – you need some way to generate sales after you’re gone. Many business owners hire a superstar salesperson to replace themselves as a rainmaker but that’s a trap. By…

Four Traps to Avoid When an Acquirer Comes Calling
Articles, Preparing/Planning to Sell Your Business You may be eager to sell your business, and happy to have an acquirer at your doorstep, but what’s it like when an acquirer starts looking inside every inch of your business? Most professional acquirers will have a checklist of questions…

8 Questions You’ll Be Asked When Selling Your Business
Articles, Selling Your Business One of the most intimidating aspects of selling your business can be facing the barrage of questions during the various management presentations you’ll be doing for potential acquirers. Be prepared to be grilled on all facets of your…

Acquisition, Articles On June 1, 2011, both Floyd’s Coffee Shops in Portland, Oregon were busier than usual. The regulars were elbowed out of the way by new customers visiting the store for the first time to redeem their coupon and get $10 worth of coffee for…

7 Things to do Before Signing a Letter of Intent
Articles, Preparing/Planning to Sell Your Business You may be years away from selling your business, but it’s never too early to understand what the process involves. If you have ever promised your child a treat in return for good behavior, you know all about negotiating leverage.…

Is Now the Time To Sell Your Business?
Articles, When to Sell Have you been thinking about selling your business but just can’t decide if now is the best time? Do you find yourself repeatedly analyzing the economic situation and wishing you had a crystal ball? There are positive signs and there…