Subscribers Make Your Company More Valuable
Articles, Improving Company Value, Recurring Revenue Why are Amazon, Apple and many of the most promising Silicon Valley start-ups leveraging a subscription business model? Subscribers not only provide steady revenue; they make your company more valuable in the eyes of an acquirer. In a traditional…

How much goodwill do you have in your business?
Articles, Building a Valuable Company The term “goodwill” is often thrown around in conversation as though it is a subjective description of how much your customers like your business. In fact, when it comes to valuing your business, there is nothing subjective about the…

Did Microsoft Overpay For LinkedIn?
Acquisition, Articles Microsoft’s recent $26.2 billion acquisition of LinkedIn provides an illustrative example of a strategic acquisition – the type of sale that usually garners the most gain for the acquired company’s shareholders. You may be wondering…

How Three Moves Quadrupled the Value of this Business
Articles, Recurring Revenue Are you stuck trying to figure out how to create some recurring revenue for your business? You know those automatic sales will make your business more valuable and predictable, but the secret to transforming your company is to think…

Have You Discovered Your Recurring Revenue Model?
Articles, Recurring Revenue When it comes to the value of your business, what happened in the past is much less important than what is likely to happen in the future. One of the most important ways you can shape the future of your business is to create some recurring…

Rich vs. Famous
Articles, Building a Valuable Company Have you set a goal for your company this year? If you’re like most business owners, you’re striving for an increase in your annual sales. It’s natural to want your company to be bigger because that’s what everyone around us seems…

Rich OR Famous
Articles, Building a Valuable Company Fame can take interesting men and thrust mediocrity upon them. David Bowie Have you set a goal for your company this year? If you’re like most business owners, you’re striving for an increase in your annual sales. It’s natural to…

How to Increase the Value of Your Business by 71%
Articles, Improving Company Value How much did your home increase in value last year? Depending on where you live, it may have gone up by 5 - 10% or more. How much did your stock portfolio increase over the last 12 months? By way of a benchmark, The Dow Jones Industrial…

Why Bother Doing It The Hard Way?
Articles, Preparing/Planning to Sell Your Business Whether you want to sell your business next year or a decade from now, you will have two basic options for an external sale: the financial or the strategic buyer. The Financial Buyer The financial buyer is buying the rights to your future…

The Hierarchy of Recurring Revenue
Articles, Recurring Revenue How to make your company irresistible to potential buyers One of the biggest factors in determining the value of your company is the extent to which an acquirer can see where your sales will come from in the future. If you’re in a business…