6 Ways to Overcome a Business Trauma
Articles, Preparing/Planning to Sell Your Business Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition triggered by experiencing a terrifying event. Although not at the level of enduring a war zone, the events of March 2020 may leave you feeling similar symptoms. If you’re…

3 Ways to Get Your Life Back
Articles, Improving Company Value How’s your workload these days? If the pandemic has forced you back into the weeds of your business, you’re not alone. Many owners are again doing tasks they haven’t done in years because they have had to lay off front-line staff or…

3 Things Wealthy Business Owners Do Differently
Articles, Improving Company Value Much is made of analyzing the personality traits of successful entrepreneurs. Some appear outgoing. Others are introverts. Some lean right, others left. Some are flashy. Others are monk-like with their money. Their diversity can…

3 Things to Consider When You Hit “The Freedom Point”
Articles, When to Sell When was the last time you calculated the percentage of your net worth tied to your company’s value? When you started your business, its value was probably negligible. Unless you purchased or inherited your company, it wasn’t worth much…

Why You Should Fire Yourself
Articles, Improving Company Value If you find yourself in a position where your customers always insist on speaking with you directly instead of your employees, then you might want to consider shifting your structure so you can improve the value of your business. Here's…

Why Companies are Adopting Subscription Billing Models
Articles, Recurring Revenue Volvo recently announced they will make their cars available on a subscription model where consumers will pay one fixed fee per month for access to a car which includes insurance and maintenance. Everything from tooth brushes to flowers…

The One Number Owners Need to Stop Focusing On
Articles, Building a Valuable Company The value of your business comes down to a single equation: what multiple of your profit is an acquirer willing to pay for your company? profit × multiple = value Most owners believe the best way to improve the value of their company…

The Hidden Downside of This Common Management Idea
Articles, Improving Company Value Cross selling new products and services to your existing customers may be a great marketing strategy, but if your goal is to increase the value of your business, the added revenue may do nothing for your company’s value – and may even lower…

The Big Thing Holding Back Small Businesses
Articles, Improving Company Value Small businesses stay small either by choice, or because they start chasing growth in the wrong places. When you strip away the layers, it all comes down to darts. Imagine a dart board with a bull’s eye and around it is a series…

Why You Should Exit While You’re Ahead – A Cautionary Tale
Articles, Exit Plan The very best time to sell your business is when someone wants to buy it. While it can be tempting to continue to grow your business forever – particularly when things are going well -- that decision comes with a significant downside. Take…