5 Ways to Get Your Business to Run Without You
Articles, Building a Valuable Company, Hub & Spoke - Works Without You Some owners focus on growing their profits, while others are obsessed with salesgoals. Have you ever considered making it your primary goal to set up your business so that it can thrive and grow without you? A business not dependent on its…

Attract and Build Your Dream Team
Articles, Switzerland Structure Learn how to enlist enthusiastic, productive, and lucrative individuals for your business team for greater synergy and success. Every successful entrepreneur understands that human capital is a company's most valuable asset. A dream team…

How An Online Business Consultant Can Benefit You
Articles If you're feeling lost when it comes to your business, don't worry - many business owners reach a point where they need help to move their company forward. That's where an online business consultant comes in. Whether you're looking…

5 Ways A Small Business Advisor Can Elevate Your Business In a Big Way
Articles If you're like most small business owners, you probably feel like you're constantly wearing a million different hats. You've got to be the accountant, the marketer, the salesperson, the customer service representative, and on and on! Sometimes,…

Will This Be the Year You Seriously Drive Up the Value of Your Company?
Articles, Improving Company Value If you have resolved to make your company more valuable in 2022, you may want to think hard about how your customers pay. If you have a transaction business model where customers pay once for what they buy, expect your company’s value…

Six Power Ratios to Start Tracking Now
Articles, Improving Company Value Doctors in the developing world measure their progress not by the aggregate number of children who die in childbirth, but by the infant mortality rate – a ratio of the number of births to deaths. Similarly, baseball’s leadoff batters…

One Counterintuitive Strategy Led to This $380 Million Payday
Acquisition, Articles When David Perry started his video game company, he filled a dartboard in his office with the names of companies he thought would want to buy his company, Gaikai, one day. Why would a startup business with no revenue or employees be thinking…

One Personality Trait Most Successful Entrepreneurs Share
Articles, Improving Company Value Survey a group of founders about the personality traits that made them successful, and they will be quick to use words like determination, sacrifice, and hard work. Others will show more humility and chalk their success up to personality traits…

Run Your Business Like You’re Going on Maternity (or Paternity) Leave
Articles, Building a Valuable Company, Hub & Spoke - Works Without You How well does your company run when you don’t show up for work? The answer to this question has a significant impact on the value of your business. Suppose your company could survive your absence for a while. In that case, you will score…